Monday, September 21, 2009

2Nd StoRy : TOO LiTTLE ToO LAte...

scene ---outside woman house----

MAN - so i guess i'm not getting your answer tonight?

WOMAN - i'm so sorry..i'm still thinking..sorry to keep you waiting..but,i cant give u the exact answer yet.i'm still considering..lets not rush on this babe..

MAN - considering what babe?am i not good enough for you all this while?we've been seeing each other for like,the longest time..whats more to wait?lets take it to the next level..i promise to love you with all my heart and soul..lets not wait any longer just to figure out our feeling..

WOMAN - but..i still wanna have fun..

MAN - so,it's a NO?

WOMAN - i can't say NO neither YES at the moment..i like you but whats the diffrent the "i love you" words will brings?we're still together aren't we?eventhou we're not exactly a couple..beside,i like what we have now..not fully commited..

MAN -so,is that what you afraid of?a commitment?well then..i'm sorry for rushing you into this..i just hope,one day when you are ready to commit on this ,it's not too late for us..

WOMAN - what do you mean about "too late"?are you seeing someone else other than me?are you going somewhere far??

MAN - i'm not going anywhere babe..i will always be here for you eventhou our relationship is nothing more than just a friend and it will never change the way i feel about are my everything..

the man give a long kiss to the woman's cheeks with tears falling down from his eyes."Goodbye babe..thanks for everything.." he said quietly."for what babe?"the woman replied.silent.he turn his back form the woman sight and head to his car.'strange'says her heart..'stop him..ask him to stay the night with you..'says her heart again..but she's too insensitive to understand her feeling..'you love him..u knew it..deep inside..go tell him!'..'ok! stop it!'she's in a battle with her own feeling..

6 a.m in the!after an anxious "sleepless night waiting for tommorow" she had last night,she's instantly reach for her phone the moment she woke up from her 'so-called' sleep and start dialing his number.'this is the day!i will let you know how much i love you and how lonely i am without you around..i'm so sorry for being so hard-headed all this while..'.."what??no answer!",she yelled unpatiently..dialing..agai

n and again..still no answer.."damn!"she grunt.

suddenly the telephone rings.with a hopefull smile she run toward the phone to pick it up.

"hello...jake!thank god u called!i'm sorry for being such a dumbass,hard-headed bitch,you name it,i deserved it but listen to me..jake,i love doubt..i do..i really really do!"

"'s me..jake's mother..."

"what?whr..~ where's jake? he there?..let me talk to him..i got something urgent and important to tell him..please.."

"samantha,jake is here..but he cant talk to you..he will never ever talk to you ever again.."

"was it something i said last night??i admit it..i was insensitive..i'm guilty as charged..but please..i gotta speak with!"

"samantha..jake's gone..."

"what do you mean he's gone?..gone where?"

"he died last nite after he got involved in a car-accident while he was on the way home..i'm sorry samantha..i wish i could break this to you in good way but i guess there's no better way to.."


'noo....i should've stop you last tell you how i really feel..i should have never ever let you go last night..jake..i love you!'

but its all just too little too late...


promote the not happy ending...anyway, the moral of the story is, make sure deep inside ur heart, ask urself, u love him/her or not...'jgn main api'..u know what i mean..don't play with love feeling...